Hide worksheets using vba hidden very hidden hiding and unhiding worksheets in excel is a straightforward task. So ive done a bit of research on dim as worksheet and what it means but im still not entirely confident with it.

Object declaring an object dim sh as worksheet dim wk as workbook dim rg as range declaring and creating an object dim coll1 as new collection dim o1 as new class1 declaring an object create object below using set dim coll2 as collection dim o2 as class1 set coll2 new collection set o2 new class1 declaring and assigning using late.

Dim worksheet. Note that the code declares the ws object as the worksheet type variable using the line dim ws as worksheet. Set wb thisworkbook dim ws as worksheet set ws wbsheetslocations if ws is nothing then exit sub possible way of handing no worksheet was set end if. As i understand it renames a sheet based on its number such as sheet1 sheet2 sheet3 etc to a value that you specify so that you can reference it from the new value.
You can hide a worksheet and the user would not see it when heshe opens the workbook. The worksheet index number denotes the position of the worksheet on the workbooks tab bar. In fact any approach that tries to return a worksheet may return nothing so you.
Set worksheet in a specified workbook by name. The worksheet name is shown on the tab for the worksheet. All worksheets are included in the index count even if they are hidden.
If you are new to vba then this post is a great place to start. Worksheets1 is the first leftmost worksheet in the workbook and worksheetsworksheetscount is the last one. However they can easily unhide.
The visionary starts with a clean sheet of paper and re imagines the world malcolm gladwell this post provides a complete guide to using the excel vba worksheet in excel vba. Returns nothing if no sheet exists with that name. If you want to know how to do something quickly then check out the quick guide to the vba worksheet below.